Tuesday, December 31, 2013

What's in a Name? That Which We Call a Rose by any other Name Would Smell as Sweet.

      "The moment a baby is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new." Rajneesh

      So, I have a confession to make...I've been debating over baby names since I was like, 16 years old (like I said in previous posts, I always knew I was going to be a mom! I just started my homework early). But come on, honestly, what woman has not at least given some thought to her future children's names? I've chewed on many names throughout my life, some being pretty (Madison, Shea, Tess), and others being down right weird (Pepper, Clover, Desdemona - I've come to accept that only gorgeous, millionaire movie stars can get away with giving their children an unforgivably strange name). There are some names that have fought their way to the top of my list (and it has been a long, bloody battle).

Here are my top contenders:


Giovanna - means "Gift from God" or "God is gracious"
Arabella - means "Answered prayer" or "Beautiful alter"
Evangeline - means "Bearer of good will"
Madalena - means "High tower"


Russell - meaning "Red haired fox" *daddy's name <3*
Rylan - meaning "Island meadow"

      I'm surprised by the value I'm putting on the meaning behind the name. Before my pregnancy I didn't care what my future baby's name meant, as long as it had a nice ring to it I was satisfied. Now, it feels as though my child's name is setting up some sort of foundation; it's sacred. His or her name contains the hopes and dreams I have for my child..."Answered prayer".... "Bearer of good will." Even though the names Russell and Rylan don't have particularly strong meanings, the reasoning behind those names is still special (explained in the next paragraph). In the Bible, names served different functions, whether it was to explain someone's birth (Moses), secure family ties (John the Baptist was almost named Zechariah), or to communicate God's message (Shear-jashub), names were seen as a way to further communicate something about that child to the community. God even went so far as to completely change the names of some people in the Bible to illustrate a new beginning for those people (Saul became Paul). You can read further about the significance of names in the Bible at: http://outoftheoverflow.com/2009/12/09/the-significance-of-names-in-the-bible/  So naturally, I take this task seriously. This process requires a lot of time, thought, and debate. Thankful, I have a husband and mother who are more then ready to share their opinions on the matter (for better or for worse lol).

      Something I love about both of the boys names is the connection they have to Russ and I. If we named our baby "Russell Guise III" he would be named after the most wonderful man in the world <3, what could be better then that? If the baby is named Rylan then the meaning of his name is connected to mine (Ashley means "Ash wood meadow;" Rylan means "Island meadow" - even my mom's name, Kimberley, has "meadow" in the meaning). Although either name is personal, I'm still leaning more towards Russell, to keep on the tradition (besides, who wouldn't want the old school charm of having "the third" attached to the end of their name?).

       If I'm pregnant with an adorable baby girl then the name choosing process becomes a little more complicated. There are four names that resonate with me, and all of the meanings connect with faith, which makes it harder to narrow down the list. The one name that I have adored since I was a teenager, and is the top contender in the names department, is Giovanna. It's such an elegant name. When I picture a Giovanna, I picture a tall, beautiful model strolling down a busy street in NYC. The name Giovanna can also have the equally pretty nicknames: Gia, or even Anna. An additional bonus point is that the is a shout-out to my Italian heritage. As strong a name as Giovanna is, Arabella is putting up a good fight. Besides the fact that the name Arabella *pronounced AIR-a-Bell-a* rolls off the tongue, it also has a beautiful meaning. Russell and I have been praying that I would become pregnant soon, and to our great joy I became pregnant within a month, so the name Arabella is a literal reminder of our answered prayer. The nicknames are also very pretty: Airea or Bella. The last two names, Evangeline and Madalena, are also very pretty. I like that Madalena can be shortened to "Maddie" and Evangeline to "Eva." There's something about long-scripted, European names that rings nicely in my ears.

So, although I like the name Rylan, I think my first son will be named Russell. Boys name solved. Giovanna and Arabella are at the top of my girls name list, followed by Evangeline and Madalena. Because Russell and I can't figure out with name we like the most, we decided to name her (if we're having a she) when we see her in the hospital. Follow our gut. 

So mommys, what did you name your children? Why did you chose that name? For women who aren't pregnant - have you picked out some names for your future children? Do you care about name meanings?

Monday, December 30, 2013

To OBGYN or not to OBGYN

  "Rigid plans work best if you're building a skyscraper; with something as mysteriously human as giving birth, it's best, both literally and figuratively, to keep your knees bent."  ~Mark Sloan   

      Ahhh...the question every pregnant woman has to ask herself...who will be my delivery room knight in shining armor? Will my knight carry the sacred epidural needle *angels sing* that Hollywood portrays as the "light at the end of the tunnel" for every laboring mother? Will my knight serenade me with sweet songs about natural birthing? Will my knight...oh, let's just skip to the chase, do I want to go OBGYN or midwife?

      I'm kinda stuck on this question. If I could describe to you my dream delivery, it would go like this: I, after awaking from pleasant dreams on my soft. warm bed would realize that I was having contractions (easy contractions...like on a pain scale from 0-10 it'd be rated kittens and cake), after rousing my doting husband I would put on a beautiful dress and do my makeup (need to have scrapbook worthy photos!) before rushing off to Elmer hospital where my midwife would help me deliver in a spacious tub, with soft music playing in the background...oh oh and candles! Now, as realistic as this all may sound, I was jolted back to reality when I had a phone call with a midwife who delivers at Elmer. Due to my seizure disorder I could not deliver a baby in a tub, despite the fact that water soothes me and would be a comforting environment for a newborn, if I went unconscious it would be very dangerous for everyone involved. Which brings me to the second blow, I could not deliver at Elmer, which was a small, country hospital with a beautiful maternity ward. Elmer didn't offer emergency care, and since a seizure could be dangerous the midwife wasn't comfortable with the idea. She suggested other hospitals before hanging up.

      Well, there went my plans. But, the Bible does warn about this in Proverbs 16:9, "The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps." I can daydream all I want about how things will go for delivery, but it's God who knows my body and will direct my path towards the decision that's best for this baby. So, the door is shut on Elmer, but not necessarily on working with a midwife. Which brings me to the question at hand, which is a better choice, the midwife or the OBGYN?

      I guess I should explain why I was originally favoring a midwife. The midwife's philosophy is that a woman's body was designed for giving birth, so she is already equipped with everything needed for a healthy, drug free labor. The midwife doesn't just attend to the physical needs of a patient, but she becomes a friend and adviser. You can call your midwife and talk about your worries or questions throughout your pregnancy. The midwife even works with you postpartum, making sure that both baby and mommy are healthy physically and emotionally. I really like that idea; and I agree that a woman's body is designed to be able to handle a normal birthing experience. Here's where I now get stuck: what if I don't have a normal birthing experience? What if I need a cesarean? What if I do have a seizure? Should I trust the natural path if my body can be a little abnormal? What if I get really sick, can a midwife give me anti-nausea medication or is it a strictly no-drug environment? I have a friend who wanted to have a natural labor but ended up really sick and needing an epidural, what if I have the same experience? As you can see, I'm spinning in circles.

      Which leads me to my next candidate, the OBGYN. The OBGYN is a doctor who specializes in reproduction and pregnancy. According to What To Expect When You're Expecting over 90% of women chose an OBGYN as their medical adviser during pregnancy. Unlike a midwife, the OBGYN is a doctor and can prescribe medication as he/she sees fit. They can handle emergency situations like a caesarean, or in my case, a seizure. That's one of the most important attributes I need in my physician- that they can handle whatever my body throws at them. There are some OBGYNs who connect with their patients and set aside time during the appointments to gauge where their patient is emotionally. I think that this is important. I need to feel like I can trust that my doctor has taken my concerns and thoughts seriously. I don't think there's anything more annoying then when a doctor is rushing you out the door...or worse, zoning out while your explaining your symptoms. I don't want to have to deal with that while pregnant. Another concern I have with working with an OBGYN is that they'll try to push medication on me.

      I can see that I'm not going to settle this debate tonight, but at least you can see where my head is at. This is a huge decision. This person will be the first hands to touch my child, the first eyes to see him or her. I need to trust that those hands will be gentle and those eyes will be wise. Some advice would be awesome. For all the mamas out there (or women who are considering getting pregnant): did you use an OBGYN or a midwife? Why did you make that choice?

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Gurgle Here, Cramp There

     "Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy and complaining about the shadow over my feet, I'd have cherished every minute of it and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was to be my only chance in life to assist God in a miracle."  ~Erma Bombeck, If I Had My Life to Live Over

      Pregnancy is a beautiful thing. The Bible says that "children are a gift from the Lord," Psalm 127:3, and that's absolutely true. Ever since Russell and I started trying to conceive a child I have been praying over the process. Thankfully, God answered our prayers quickly, and within one month of us trying I became pregnant! As incredibly thankful I am to begin this journey and as excited I am to one day meet my little bundle, I am surprised by the types of pregnancy symptoms I'm experiencing. For only being about 2 weeks pregnant, I'm having some strong symptoms! I guess now would be a great opportunity to share when and how I knew I was pregnant.

      I don't remember when the nausea started, I'd say a week or two before I tested positive for my pregnancy, but that was my first hint. As any pregnant woman can voucher, the nausea experienced  isn't like your "normal" bout of nausea. It's a seasick-like feeling - a fleeting, fluttering nausea that sometimes goes away as quickly as it came, sometimes hovering around you like a bloated house fly, or it sends you racing to the bathroom. I haven't needed to throw up yet (yay!) but I'm not holding my breath that it will remain that way. My mother said her nausea hit her like a brick in the middle of the night, waking her from her dreams and sending her running to the bathroom. Another early symptom was my breasts. They became swollen, tender and full. Russell actually noticed the size difference before I did (is that surprising? lol) and I figured I had either gained weight (my appetite had also changed; I was always feeling hungry) or I was pregnant. I took a pregnancy test and it came up negative, so I figured the nausea must be a winter bug and the tenderness must be from gaining weight. When the week of my period came and I still hadn't seen Aunt Flo by Tuesday, December 24th, I decided it was time to take a second test. Something felt different this time. Maybe it was the fact that Russell was home, getting ready for work, while I was taking this test; or perhaps it was the peace from God that I knew this test was going to be different - but I had a settled feeling that I was pregnant when I took that test, and sure enough my eyes grew to happy saucers when I saw the wonderful "2nd red line." That day I went to the ShopRite clinic to verify the pregnancy (getting into my dr office on Christmas Eve without an appointment? Yea, right). Russell and I surprised our parents with the Pregnancy Confirmation papers in their Christmas cards after exchanging gifts on the 25th. This past Christmas was probably the best Christmas I've ever had <3.    

      Since then my symptoms have grown. I'm ALWAYS tired. It doesn't matter how long I sleep that night - I'm still exhausted by noon! This isn't the type of exhaustion that goes away with a nap, sometimes a nap exacerbates the sleepiness, making me feel spacy when I wake up. Although I can have one cup of coffee a day without it effecting the baby, I still don't feel very comfortable drinking it. So if I need extra energy I normally sniff out something yummy to eat. Which leads me to my next symptoms: acid reflux and cramping. The cramping can get pretty serious, ranging from mild discomfort to feeling like I have my period (without any blood thankfully). It's normally in my thighs and abdomen. The cramping typically lasts all day. I don't know about you, but before I was pregnant I had never heard of menstrual-like cramping as a pregnancy symptom, so when the cramps continued it was a little scary because I didn't know if it was normal. My meme (paternal grandmother) said her cramps were awful and lasted through her whole pregnancy. Along with the cramping is another new experience - acid reflux. I used to be treated for acid reflux as a child, but I haven't had it for years. As gross as this is - that "burp of vomit" that is a classic sign of acid reflux has now become routine at night time when I'm lounging on the couch. I've had a few scary episodes of acid reflux after eating certain foods, where I get such terrible cramps that I have to lie down and wait until the attack is over. When the bout has passed my legs feel shaky and exhausted. This normally happens after eating really salty or fatty foods, like pretzels or cake.

     I'm so so grateful for this beautiful pregnancy; God has answered our prayers...and quickly! As annoying, painful or scary some of these symptoms can be - I'd rather have symptoms and be assured of a healthy, growing baby then to have none and worry that the baby's not progressing. Besides...fuller boobs are nothing to complain about =). I think the quote at the top of the page sums up how I feel: I don't want to obsess over the bothersome symptoms of pregnancy, I want to celebrate the beauty of the change! I think it's important to talk about the changes your body is experiencing, but don't get stuck there.

      Here's some questions for the pregnant mamas out there: did you have symptoms early in the pregnancy? Were any of the symptoms unexpected?

Friday, December 27, 2013

Work What You Got!

"Let us make pregnancy an occasion when we appreciate our female bodies."  ~Merete Leonhardt-Lupa

         Those who know me know this: fashion is my bff. Few things beat that moment when you stand in front of a dressing room mirror and just grin from ear to ear. It’s that rush of confidence that floods my body when I admit to myself in the light soaked, dull dressing room of my favorite store: wow, I look fierce. Or even better- when I sashay my beautiful find in front of my patient husband, who suddenly sits up straighter in his uncomfortable waiting bench and gives me a flirty smile.

        Now that I’m pregnant I feel like a whole new fashion window has been opened to me and it’s both exciting and daunting. Being only 2 weeks pregnant my body has changed pretty drastically, comparatively speaking. I’m so bloated that my jeans, and yes, even my dress pants *tear* have become uncomfortable and restricting. I find myself surprised that at such an early stage of my pregnancy I’m reaching for sweat pants and dresses, instead of jeans and skirts. The next 8 months are going to continue this pattern, so it’s probably best to embrace this change and start looking for ways to expand upon it.

        I found some amazing ways to capitalize on the beauty of pregnancy. Boring sweatpants and sloppy t-shirts for this soon-to-be mama? No way, José.  Let’s talk bump-chic ;)

        If you’re unfamiliar with high-end pregnancy fashion, then let me introduce you to a website I just found: hatchcollection.com. The designers behind Hatch have the modern woman in mind with their dynamic and functional collections. Let me give you a nibble (oh boy…nibble made me think of snacking…time to go warm up some soup… lol).

How cute is this! Notice the bow around the collar; it’s an adorable balance for the growing tummy. This shirt also covers a sensitive area for me: arms. As my body swells I can imagine that my arms will join that party, being able to cover my arms in a dark, slimming material will provide such comfort when I’m not feeling very attractive. The leggings are sexy and fun – although, I do have to wonder how much I’m going to like wearing tight pants. My legs are already sore and cramping, so I think yoga pants may be safer alternative. Also, I don’t know how I feel about thin, high heels when my feet are swollen and tired. A pair of cute flats or sandals would be a more conducive arrangement.

*Squeals* Oh this looks so comfy! Despite the gray color this dress looks so relaxed and feminine! I could go out for a lunch date, get some groceries and take a nap all in this dress and be comfortable. This dress comes in navy and black but I think the gray works best. The hat is adorable with this look, although the shoes wouldn’t work for me. Once again: let’s keep this easy, high heels and an extra 30lbs+? No thanks.

The downside to Hatch? You’re looking to spend a pretty penny (more like a shiny, fat penny worth $248 for a button down shirt). So, if you’re like me, have fun with this miracle growing inside your belly and buy a few special wardrobes pieces, just have a spending plan so you don’t experience buyer’s remorse (remember- the pregnancy will end eventually, so spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on a new wardrobe may not be practical).

             My next fashion pick would be cute, trendy and the highly functional website: http://www.apeainthepod.com

         Unfortunately peainthepod doesn’t offer this shirt anymore, but I ADORE the use of color blocking over the tummy. I also am a huge fan of hiding the upper arms with a nice fit sleeve.

Wow! I mean…wow! Look at the dimension, the movement! The V-neck collar is flattering for the “pregnant mommy” body we’re sporting. The rivers of parallel lines create a complex fluidity that a big tummy will just make interesting. A big, red hat and bug-eye sunglasses would take this look to the next level.

Peainapod shares the same downside as Hatch: price. If you’re coaching yourself with the beautiful mantra: “there must be a way to have both a fashion identity and not break your bank while pregnant!” then I would have to agree – there is!

I don’t know about the other 49 states in America, but here in New Jersey there’s always a Target within 40 minutes of each other. Within this brightly lit castle of sales and brands you will stumble across a wonderful department: Maternity. For those of you who don’t have access to a Target (my heart goes out to you) you have the option of browsing their website. Here’s some lovely (and affordable) finds:

Isn’t this sweet? The flared bottom and loose long sleeves is an assurance for comfort and confidence. I love how the shape of this shirt is almost dress-like, very girly. The color/design blocking also brings attention to the beautiful bun in the oven. Match this with a pair of jeans and cute flats and we have ourselves a winner.

I can imagine dancing in this dress at a summer wedding or strolling down the boardwalk. This little dress is young, flirty and light. I can’t get over that sweet flowered strap and billowy fabric. The only issue I have with this dress is the cinched under-bust strap. I would probably tie a soft white scarf on top of that strap…or perhaps a white belt. Either way, I think this dress is adorable

You know what’s even more adorable? Neither the shirt nor dress cost more than $40 (I know, let’s coo collectively). Going to department stores and thrift shops is a far less expensive route to finding exceptional pieces.

Here are some other ideas to make an inexpensive pregnancy fashion statement (for other ideas check out Thebump.com - it's where I found inspiration!)-

-          Does your hubby love the look of you in his shirts? Great! Pair one of his button-down shirts with leggings or yoga pants. This brings a contrast of a comfy, oversized dress shirt with the tight leggings- your big pregnant belly will just add to the drama

-          Jersey dresses! A nice, flowing jersey-style dress is pretty and functional whether your pregnant or not (this is a good buy for women who want to get pregnant soon!). Just make sure that the dress doesn’t constrict the abdomen and is long enough in the front to cover your growing baby

-          Accessorize! You may not be able to control much, in terms of your body shape, for the next 9 months, but you can count on a flashy pair of earrings or a sparkly necklace. Investing on nice quality scarves or fun hair décor is a great way to add personality and style to your look.

Remember – this is a new fashion adventure! Play with patterns you may not have tried when you weren’t pregnant (large patterns can center the eye on your lovely belly or distract someone from the parts of your body you don’t like). Try out different cuts and lengths. Enjoy this time! You’re going through a beautiful experience – play it up!

An Introduction

"The only time a women wishes she was a year older is when she's expecting a baby."  ~Mary Marsh

Ever since I was a little girl I knew I wanted to be a mom. I used to causally tell my mother, as I was brushing the hair of one of my hundreds of Barbies, that I was going to have 10…no, make that 20, children! Now that I’m 24 I’m not hoping for 10…especially not 20 children; instead, I think anywhere from 2-5 little peanuts is a nice number.  I’m about two weeks pregnant with my first =)

Before I go further, let me introduce myself – my name is Ashley Guise, I’m a home maker in Southern Jersey. I married Russell, the love of my life, after five years of dating. He is truly the most wonderful man I have ever known. We recently celebrated our one year wedding anniversary December 15th (we actually think this is when the baby was conceived <3)! I am a born again Christian and have had the Lord in my life since I was in 7th grade. Although I’ve been saved for many years, I didn’t fully devote my life to Him until the past few years- this past year being an incredible year for spiritual growth, praise be given to Him.

Some other random facts: I have a BA in psychology that I’m not sure what to do with; I have a passion for the fine arts; I grew up in the country; and lastly, Russ and I have an adorably sweet natured pug named Joy (pictures coming soon!).

I have wanted to create a blog for months, but I didn’t know what I would want to write about daily. What could be so important that I’d WANT to steal time away from cleaning, cooking and drawing? I’ll tell you what – the beautiful and novel road of pregnancy. I’m a researching hound dog; I can’t help but sniff out new and interesting facts about something that interests me. I was one of those weirdos who enjoyed writing research papers in college. That’s how I’m using this blog. I can’t wait to share my symptoms, my questions, my ideas. I would like to continue blogging even after pregnancy and capture all those special moments and memories of motherhood. Whoever is reading this, I’m glad you’re coming for the ride =)

Here’s a picture of me and my husband: