Tuesday, May 13, 2014

My First Mother's Day

"We never know the love of the parent until we become parents ourselves" -Henry Ward Beecher

      I had high hopes for my first Mother's Day, plans to stroll down the Ocean City boardwalk and bask in the glow of carrying my first child...but God had other plans for me that morning. The start to my first Mother's Day was a scary event. But, I think that's how it tends to go when you put a lot of pressure on a specific occasion, like catching the flu the morning you leave for Disney World or getting food poisoning on Christmas. It's a gentle reminder that you are the not center of the world. I went to sleep fitfully the night before Mother's Day, my neck throbbing with pain, my shoulders aching and my fingers tingling. I was awoken around 6:00am by the pain, which had transformed from a hungry junkyard dog into a frothing monster. The throbbing in my neck had traveled up into my head, ears and jaw. It felt like my nerve endings were frayed spark plugs, electrocuting my tortured muscles. The jaw pain is what scared me the most, since it was so unexpected. It felt as though my jaw was tired and sore, as if I had been chewing on something hard for hours and it left my muscles feeling wasted. The pain shot down my neck into my shoulder blades, and from there into my arms, elbows, hands and fingers, like strands of lightening coursing through my nerves. It was pulsating and unbearable. I couldn't lie in bed, stand up, sit down. There was no escape from the overwhelming ache. I tried standing in a hot shower, allowing the water to drum against my back, Russell spent close to an hour (between the night before and that morning) massaging my back and neck, I just could not find relief. Visions of listeria, meningitis, and tetanus raced through my head, surely I had something incurable and deadly. Otherwise, why would I be in enough agony to become nauseated. I was about to go to the emergency room when my mom took over the show, she had Russell make me a cup of tea, she made me recline against a heating pad, I took a Tylenol, she rubbed my head and we just waited. If the pain continued to get worse, Russ and I would rush to the hospital, if I started to feel better then I would go back to sleep. Slowly, the heating pad worked through the tenderness in my back, and I began to drift in and out of jerky sleep. I eventually called my Aunt Cindy, who's a trauma nurse, and told her about my symptoms. She assured me that if I didn't have a fever or an intense headache that it was probably a problem buried in my muscles and to take 2 Tylenols. My mom encouraged me to continue with my plans for the day, which was to enjoy the fresh air and to allow it to loosen my muscles. I decided to give it a try, and by 1:40pm Russ and I were driving to Ocean City, my body finally able to relax against his car seat, the warm air whipping through my hair and melting my muscles. I'm so glad I went to the beach, it was a beautiful, breezy Jersey day, and it was exactly how I wanted to celebrate my beginnings of motherhood. The pain continued to prick my shoulders and neck, but it was no longer as intense, and I could focus on watching Russell and our little cousins enjoy the rides, I chatted with my family, and enjoyed scarfing down cheese fries and pizza. 

From right to left, starting with the back row: Poppop Johnson, Erwin, Uncle Kevin, Kevin Jr, Mason, Dave, Mom, Russell. Front row: Melanie, Aunt Robin, Granna, me

Mom and Dave

Right side: Russell, Mason, Aunt Robin, Kevin. Left side: Dave, me. We're enjoying pizza at the best pizza place on the boardwalk - Manco and Manco's of course!
       My husband and I were able to stroll down the boardwalk, hand in hand, on the first Mother's Day I could celebrate as an expecting mother. It was wonderful. I truly am so happy I went. The pain has come and gone since May 11th, but it hasn't been nearly as intense as it was that morning. After that experience Russ and I decided to take some aggressive, holistic approaches to my pregnancy health. Russell surprised me with a one hour pre-natal massage at my favorite spa as my Mother's Day gift (talk about God being in control, the worst muscle pain in my pregnancy coinciding with a massage certificate, I can see God in so many details of my life). I also started seeing my old chiropractor again, Dr. Ledden, who assured me that the pain I was experiencing can definitely be traced back to my spinal alignment being out of wack, due to my pregnancy. Apparently, as your pregnancy progresses your muscles and bones relax, that way your growing belly can have room to expand, this is great for the baby but it can be painful for the mama-to-be. She said that the most we can hope for is that I can become more comfortable, but I shouldn't expect to be pain free until Giavonna is born. I'm thinking some appointments with an acupuncturist and some light exercise may help keep anymore painful episodes away. I don't know, I guess we'll see.

      Either way, I'm thankful to be pregnant. This journey is going to be completely worth every stretch mark when Gia is able to take her first breath. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Boy or Girl?

"A daughter is a miracle that never ceases to be miraculous...full of beauty and forever beautiful...loving and caring and truly amazing." -- Deanna Beisser

Giavonna Grace Guise at 20 weeks and 4 days old. She weighed 14 ounces.

      I must confess, Russ and I have had an unfair advantage when discovering the gender of our baby. The day I found out I was pregnant I knew I was having a girl. I can't explain how I knew, I just had a settled, peaceful realization that the little person within me would be my Giavonna. Throughout the pregnancy I teeter-tottered about the gender, my instincts told me to buy dresses, but the ultrasounds confused me. I saw Russell's nose and eyes on the screen, and I found myself double guessing my initial thought about who was growing inside me, perhaps I would have a beautiful son. There was no more need for questioning after April 23rd, when our ultrasound technician announced that Russell and I would be having a girl. I was having my Gia.

      Russell and I are expressive people, and our favorite form of communication is creativity. We knew that we wanted our baby's gender announcement to be a fun, celebratory experience for our family. So preparations were made and we surprised our families on Sunday, April 27th, with a Gender Reveal Party (or at least we tried to surprise our families, my mother and my Granna refuse to be surprised, so one found out early and the other couldn't stop guessing via facebook all morning). It was the first party Russ and I ever hosted, and it was so much fun! Thankfully, we had some help with the party set up, my long time best friend Amanda came over early to help me cook the food and clean my house. I couldn't ask for a better friend <3 I also had the help of my and Russell's family, a huge ham was given by Granna, a fruit tray by mom and french toast by my mother inlaw. Combine all that with my mini quiches, cupcakes and scones and there was plenty to eat. To surprise everyone at the same time we decided to make chocolate cupcakes stuffed with pink buttercream and coated in chocolate gauche (thanks Pioneer Woman for the recipe!). As our guests arrived we asked them to say a message to our baby on our video camera and to wait until everyone had arrived before taking a cupcake.

Our Gender Reveal station

The cupcakes!

Russell explaining the Gender Reveal Station to our future daughter on camera

      We had some wonderful words captured on camera to our beautiful baby. We plan to video tape all her major milestones and events so we can one day show her how very loved she was, since before she was born. Once everyone arrived our guests took a cupcake, gathered in the living room, and took a big bite on the count of three. 

SURPRISE!!! IT'S A GIRL!! (From left to right: mom, Granna, Meme, Lynn, Aunt Jackie, Uncle Greg)

It's time to celebrate!!

My father inlaw and mother inlaw, and my best friend Amanda

Me video taping everyone's reaction (Russ took the photos)

There's always time for a selfie when celebrating! (Notice Amanda peaking behind us haha)

      After all the celebration over a long awaited little girl, everyone grabbed some food and enjoyed each other's company.

Five generations of women! Me (and Gia), Granny, Granna, and Mom

Dad G, Mom G, Russ, me, mom, Dave

Joy and I
      So, to sum it up, the Gender Reveal party was a success (not to mention a lot of fun)! I can't wait for Giavonna to enter into this world and meet all the people who already love her so much.