Friday, April 4, 2014

I'm Back!!!

 "A mother's joy begins when new life is stirring inside... when a tiny heartbeat is heard for the very first time, and a playful kick reminds her that she is never alone."
Author Unknown

Hi Everyone!

      It's been a while since I last wrote! To be honest, the reason I've been so foot loose and fancy free (and neglecting my blog) is because I have started to feel like the old Ashley again. The morning sickness and energy crashes that the first trimester brought have since dissipated, and have been replaced with a fresh burst of enthusiasm for life and this pregnancy. So, to put it bluntly, I stopped writing because I woke up one morning, looked around my house and thought, wow, I'm living like a pig! Where did all those dishes in the sink come from? Why does the laundry pile look tall enough to be a fort? I was finally able to shake the cobwebs off my feet and start taking back control over the condition of my house, the groceries in my refrigerator, and the goals I had for this pregnancy. Now that I feel more caught up with my life, I feel ready to sit down and update all you lovely readers on the past month, and how I'd feeling today.

      First off, may I say, no...shout from the rooftops, that I absolutely love the second trimester! I seriously feel like I could be Julie Andrews from the Sound of Music in that classic scene when she's skipping through the fields of flowers and singing, that's how much I adore this phase of pregnancy. The nausea has subsided, and in it's wake are a few bouts of acid reflux at night, which can be quelled by munching on pineapple (who would have thought? When my midwife told me to replace Zantac with pineapple I was skeptical but it really does work!). My energy has mostly returned, and with it came my drive to take back the pride I had in the condition of my home. My hormonal moments are still present, but it's made me take notice of a softer side to my personality, one that tears up while reading a love note left by my husband, one that appreciates the goodness and sadness in life with a fresh perspective. It's become quite beautiful. Some new symptoms have arisen: headaches that pierce the back of my eyes and temples, a burning sensation as my belly stretches into a more accommodating home for our little one, back aches, nose bleeds, and trouble sleeping. But, to be honest with you, I've come to accept these symptoms as part of the process, and that acceptance has brought an abundance of peace and joy. I can't express how happy Russ and I were to finish the first trimester and realize that the most unstable part of pregnancy had passed, that the chances of miscarrying were substantially lowered, and that we could spend more time admiring this little person moving and squiggling within me.

      I have physically changed quite a bit in the past month or so since I last wrote. My stomach has begun to resemble the sun, round and warm, and within it is a growing earth (my, aren't I poetic today?). Here are some pictures of this transformation from week 14 until week 17:

      I'm not the only one who has changed! Russ and I's little peanut has grown into a small person. The baby now has bones, eyes that can register light, the ability to hear, favorite new attribute...a big enough presence for me to feel when he/she moves. The baby absolutely loves his/her father's voice, and Russ and I often marvel at how much our child moves when Russell is reading our night time devotion to my belly. For those of you who've never experienced pregnancy, I'll try to describe what it feels like when your child is dancing within your's often compared to butterfly wings, fluttering within you. That's exactly how my mother described her pregnancy. Although this is true, it's a little abstract. What it reminds me of is that moment when you've reached the top of a hill before a huge drop on a roller coaster, and your coaster suddenly tips forward and sends you hurling towards the earth...that feeling in your belly of everything lifting and turning, it's kinda like that. It's a surreal experience. Here's an updated picture of the baby at 15 weeks, 4 days, with a heart beat of 148 beats/min (although this has fluctuated since this picture, and is often in the 150 range).

      Isn't our baby sweet! Look at that nose! That nose is a mix of Russ and Dougie. And that chin is my husband all the way. Oh I cannot wait until the end of the month, when we get our next ultrasound. I'm so excited to see more of that face!!

      So, you are now updated on my life. I'll write again soon to dive into some of my recent realizations, but for now, I'll leave on this high note =)


  1. Just lovely. .like you..thanks for sharing this journey sweetie. We love you so much! Granna

    1. Thanks Granna =) I love sharing this experience. It'll be especially amazing when my baby is old enough to read this on his/her own, and to see what his/her developmental journey was like.Love you so much!
